Building Systems and Strategies in Developing Social Justice Leaders

With the expert support of Consultant, Laurel Malloy of Innovations Quantified, Damayan engaged select trafficking survivors, leaders, board members and designated project staff on April 1st at the People’s Forum for the initial project orientation and data gathering activity. This is one of many activities intended to implement the CCNSF capacity-building grant that Damayan received on Evaluation and Outcomes System Development using the Logic Model. 

Executive Director Riya Ortiz discussed the strategic need to develop social justice leaders to sustain Baklas, Damayan’s break-free campaign against labor trafficking and modern day slavery and the need to address the challenges that Damayan is experiencing for years in developing and retaining leaders from the membership base, especially from the ranks of trafficking survivors. 

The participants were informed that another goal of this project will be to provide the space and opportunity for the target participants to help Damayan affirm or revise its current assumptions about the impact of its leadership development and retention activities - weigh the effectiveness of various interventions and approaches, and collect evidence of impact, organizational results, and stories more effectively and consistently. 

In this light,  participants were encouraged to share their experiences  and data about why they came to Damayan. Majority shared that they  came to Damayan seeking information and services, mostly legal advice, regarding workplace abuses, immigration issues, basic health screenings and referrals and financial literacy and in the process, they got engaged with membership activities and volunteer opportunities. These membership  experiences motivated  them to join leadership development activities,

At the end of the Project, the desired final outcome of the capacity building is to build the capacity of the Project staff to create a logic model that will help systematize and guide Damayan’s  leadership development and retention program.

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